Two local colleges are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with an art exhibit and a concert: Carthage College’s H.F. Johnson Gallery of Art is hosting “The Saint John’s Bible” through Dec. 15. Scheduled in coordination with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the exhibit includes 25 prints on loan from the Hill Museum Continue Reading…

St. Agnes prayer service to bring together Catholics, Lutherans (Springfield, Ill.)
A landmark ecumenical document issued by Catholics and Lutherans in 2015 highlighted a string of agreements between the two churches while urging deeper connections at local levels. Sunday’s prayer service at St. Agnes Catholic Church in Springfield, bringing together the leaders from the Springfield Catholic Diocese and the Evangelical Church in America’s Central/Southern Illinois Synod, Continue Reading…
Celebrating the Reformation with songs and suds (Peoria, Iowa)
About 200 people celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation by singing hymns and drinking beer on Sunday at the Lindenhof German American Society in Peoria. The Reformation was a religious, political and economic revolution in 16th-century Europe that gave rise to the Protestant form of Christianity. The event, the first of its kind, was Continue Reading…
Chicago-area Catholics, Lutherans renew covenant between their churches (Chicago)
CHICAGO (CNS) — Chicago Cardinal Blase J. Cupich and Lutheran Bishop Wayne Miller commemorated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation by recommitting their respective churches to dialogue and to working together on issues of mutual concern. During an Oct. 31 service they led at Holy Name Cathedral, the two leaders also renewed a covenant between Continue Reading…
Lutheran-Catholic service held in Madison (Madison, Wisc.)
MADISON — St. Maria Goretti Catholic Parish and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church ELCA have been neighbors and partners in the Madison community for over 60 years. On Saturday, Oct. 28, they came together for the first time in a joint evening prayer service on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Fr. Robert Continue Reading…