Two local colleges are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with an art exhibit and a concert: Carthage College’s H.F. Johnson Gallery of Art is hosting “The Saint John’s Bible” through Dec. 15. Scheduled in coordination with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the exhibit includes 25 prints on loan from the Hill Museum Continue Reading…

Catholics, Lutherans use Reformation Commemoration as occasion for dialogue (Summit, MO)
In 2017, Lutheran and Catholic Christians will commemorate together the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation. Lutherans and Catholics today enjoy a growth in mutual understanding, cooperation, and respect. They have come to acknowledge that more unites than divides them: above all, common faith in the Triune God and the revelation in Jesus Continue Reading…
New season: Piedmont Players Theatre releases schedule of upcoming shows (Salisbury, NC)
Piedmont Players Theatre’s opening show at the Meroney Theater this fall features a unique collaboration. “The Germans are coming! The Germans are coming!” exclaims Reid Leonard, PPT’s resident director. Indeed they are. The German theater00 group, Landesbuhnen Sachsen, will appear at the Meroney as part of “In God’s Own Country,” which tells the story of Continue Reading…
Learn about Martin Luther, 500 years later (Tallahassee, FL)
On Oct. 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, a set of theological theses for academic debate. His famous 95 Theses are taken at least symbolically as the start of the Protestant Reformation. Five hundred years later, those same theses will be the focus of a program Continue Reading…
Forum and service about the Reformation to be held in Exeter Township (Exeter Township, PA)
In preparation for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in October, the Rev. D. Michael Bennethum will be the guest preacher on Sunday at 9 a.m. at Reformation Lutheran Church, 3670 Perkiomen Ave., Exeter Township. Bennethum will lead a forum at 10:15 in parish hall about the Reformation. Mosaic tile work being crafted by members Continue Reading…