
Chicago-area Catholics, Lutherans renew covenant between their churches (Chicago)

CHICAGO (CNS) — Chicago Cardinal Blase J. Cupich and Lutheran Bishop Wayne Miller commemorated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation by recommitting their respective churches to dialogue and to working together on issues of mutual concern.

During an Oct. 31 service they led at Holy Name Cathedral, the two leaders also renewed a covenant between the Archdiocese of Chicago and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Metropolitan Chicago Synod.

The agreement “calls for a posture of openness toward each other and a movement beyond what divides us to dialogue on what mutually concerns us.”

The Reformation can be traced to Oct. 31, 1517, when, the story goes, Augustinian friar Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Formally called the “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences,” the theses sparked the Protestant Reformation.

Since the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic and Lutheran churches have had dialogues that have helped to draw the two bodies closer together.

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