Lord of Life Lutheran Church is commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with a month of special events centered around the life and actions of Martin Luther.
As a musician and composer, Luther transformed the role of music in the worship service and introduced the idea of congregational singing. His contributions to church music are still evident within church services today.
On Oct. 14 at 7 p.m., Damaris Peters Pike, Professor of Music Emerita at Hiram College, will present her one woman show “Katie: My Life With Martin Luther” at Lord of Life. Pike’s performance will include hymns composed by Martin Luther.
On Reformation Sunday, Oct. 29, Lord of Life’s worship services will feature Luther’s words and music in special pieces for Chancel Choir and brass, along with congregational hymns focusing on the themes of the Protestant Reformation. Lord of Life Lutheran Church is located at 17989 Chillicothe Road in Bainbridge Township. For more information, contact the church office at 440-543-5505 or go to loloh.org.
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